Can anything else happen to poor little Cooper on our trip to the US? Cooper got his stiches off (Uncle Alan did it!) on Monday morning. Monday evening he was walking around chewing on a hairbrush (yes, this is a common pasttime that Cooper seems to enjoy). He ended up falling down and Aunt April picked him up crying next to the hairbrush. He cried for a pretty long time, and I checked his face and mouth thinking that maybe he had the brush still in his mouth and hurt that. He looked fine and I didn't see anything else wrong. He wanted me to hold him the rest of the evening and I did that. He was fine in the bathtub and slept OK that night. In the morning, he woke up as usual talking to himself in his bed. I thought it a little odd that he didn't stand up, but didn't think too much of it. As always I picked him up and started the morning with a diaper change. He started crying as I lifted his feet up. After some investigation Alan and I were able to determine that he had hurt a foot. Then it became obvious that he would not put the foot on the ground and would not attempt to walk on it. I gave it a day to make sure it wasn't anything minor, and then Alan was able to get us into the doctor on Wednesday. The doctor took an x-ray and sure enough Cooper has a small fracture and required a cast. I just can't believe all this has happened. The doctor stated that some kids walk in 30 minutes and some kids walk in 3 days, but they do figure out how to walk. Well, I pretty much knew that Cooper is cautious and wouldn't fall in the 30 minute category. Now it is Saturday (3 days) and he isn't even close. Considering how long it Cooper to learn to walk in the first place and how careful he is, it could still be a while before he gets it. So, back to crawling and carrying for us.
Other than that, we are really having a wonderful time here. I am starting to feel like I am running out of time, and there are still people that we haven't seen yet.