So, at the risk of making you all very jealous, I have to indulge you all on the fabulous weekend I just had, thanks to my wonderful hubby. Yes, Peter actually planned an entire surprise weekend and didn't even spoil the surprise as usually happens with his big surprises. (Many of you may remember his last big surprise of my 30th birthday party, which was very nicely planned, but was ruined since I had taken a muscle relaxer shortly before for my aching back and kept requesting Peter to take me home so that I could go to sleep, which obviously wasn't an option and overall I was about as dull as an old nail from 1876) Anyways, this surprise didn't require a muscle relaxer and was executed tremendously well. Peter had arranged for his sister to keep Cooper for the weekend, so I didn't have to worry about him one bit. We left at 5:30 AM and I had no idea where we were headed. Peter told me what to pack (comfortable clothes, same temperature as Germany, something nice for the evening, a bathing suit just in case) and nothing else. I was totally psyched as we approached the airport! In fact I was feeling so sprightly, that I made sure that my lipstick was fresh the whole weekend (which this housewife hasn't done in months!). Even at the airport Peter was able to keep the destination under concealment, but that was revealed when the passport control officer asked Peter where we were headed. London!!! (After this Peter had to disclose that he had to be in London this weekend for a planned power outage to test the servers, but he didn't have to be in the office just nearby in case something went wrong). That didn't bother me since I absolutely love London, and Peter had planned a full schedule for the 2 of us. We arrived in London early (it's an hour earlier in London than in Germany), and after dropping our luggage off at the hotel, we hopped back in our taxi to our first surprise destination. Being the sneaky one, Peter was able to communicate with the taxi driver on the sly so I still didn't know where we were going. As we approached our destination, there were hundreds of pedestrians and the driver announced he couldn't go any further and that's when I knew it could be no other than Notting Hill!!! My favorite thing to do in London on a Saturday morning. Tons of shops, antiques, one of a kind finds, and the quirkiest people you might ever encounter (aside from Mardi Gras in New Orleans or Fantasy Week in Florida which I wouldn't really describe so much as quirky as I would disgustingly scary; Notting Hill is hugely charmingly quirky). After a couple of hours and a lovely purchase for a momento, we headed back to the hotel to check in. Then, the next surprise came when Peter had booked at a spa next to the hotel for us to have 1 hour massages. Now, that would make anyone's day! After that we walked for an hour or so in Hyde Park. Finally it was time to get dressed. I was simply told to dress nice, and I have to say that we made a smashing couple! We had dinner at a local favorite Chinese restaurant and then hopped in the taxi for yet another surprise. I thought I might wet my pants when we pulled up outside of the Apollo Victoria T
That was my perfect weekend. Not a single diaper to change and I got to enjoy the first class lounge at the airport. And I have this terrible illness that forces me to indulge on every free thing that is offered, I had a coffee, a banana, and two ice creams in the lounge. I also took an OK! tabloid magazine to enjoy on the plane. Then of course the first class food on the plane is much nicer than in coach, so I had to have some fresh bread, a chicken salad, tiramisu, and coke. Needless to say I didn't eat anything for the rest of the day! By the way if any of you love tabloid magazines as much as I do (who doesn't enjoy a good People or Star every now and then), London can't be beat on their tabloids. OK! and Hello! are the best ever!!! I am now an expert on the current events . . . that is, on Angie and Brad, Jennifer Anniston and John Mayer, Amy Winehouse, and of course, the royal Princes William and Henry.
Now I am back at the hacienda, and it is hotter than blazes here. Since no houses have AC, I have to get used to the heat. I am about to head out to cut the grass, so that won't really help. But I will think of you all in your icy cold air conditioned houses and offices. And while I may be slightly jealous that you are all cool as cucumbers, I can just sit back and reflect on my handsome husband that plans fabulous weekend getaways!
Just heard from my wonderful friends Christina and Tabitha that they are planning trips over here and want to visit Ireland in August. Waiting to hear when the rest of you will be heading over!! We are coming back sometime in October so will see you all then. Take care and please let me know what is new with you. I love getting your e-mails and hearing about what is happening in your lives. Makes me feel a little closer to home!
Amy (not sweating, just glistening)
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