
Monday, June 22, 2009

Memories of Mom

It's coming up on the 4th anniversary since my mom passed away. I can't believe it has been so long, and all that has happened in our lives since her death. In the past few weeks, I have had a strange thought pop into my head. I will be going about my normal day at home, and all of a sudden, I think, Oh, I need to call mom. I haven't talked to her in a while. Then realization sets in immediately and I continue on my day. Time does dull the pain, but the sting is still there nonetheless.

As Cooper grows and develops, I find myself more and more wondering what my mother did with my brother and I as we went through these same phases, how she felt, what she remembers about us, what she and my father did. It isn't until you have your own kids that you really want to learn what you yourself was like during those young years. I wish so much to seek her council and thoughts. And when I have struggles or hard days with Cooper, deep down I know that the only person who could trully say the right thing to make me feel better would be her. She wouldn't downplay my fears and she would nurture me the way I need to be nurtured. Isn't that the gift of a mother? And as time goes by I learn more and more that we are never too old to need our mommy.

My mother was the hardest worker I have ever known, which she probably learned from her mother. She had all the qualities of a super independent woman, but deep down she really needed and depended on the love of her husband, which she probably also got from her mother. My mother and father were both great parents who loved us unquestionably and spoiled us more than they probably should have. Her purse always smelled of Big Red chewing gum and she never left the house without full makeup, fixed hair, and perfectly accessorized outfit. I used to go into her closet while she was at work and try on her clothes, jewelry and perfume. I remember many Friday nights that we laid in her bed watching TV together (she in one of her infamous robes) and she would tickle my arms with her perfectly manicured nails. She was the best shopping partner ever, and still to this day I hate shopping because I don't have her. Every gift she gave was made extra special because she would take so much time making the wrapping look absolutely spectacular.

She was sensitive, caring, and thoughtful. She would bend over backwards to make people happy. She would work long days and then spend hours helping me when I needed it, sometimes all night even after I went to sleep. She was an amazing mom. I hope I can be the same for Cooper.

What I wouldn't give to be able to call her and tell her all that she has missed in the last 4 years. What I wouldn't give to be able to tell her how wonderful, special, and amazing she really was. I wish I had done it then. She sure deserved it.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

What we've been doing

I realize that I really don't have many new pictures of Cooper on the blog lately. So here are some of the things that we have been up to in the last month.

We had a couple of really warm days, so we broke out the blow up baby pool and the hose. The hose was a big hit with Cooper, but not so much for Peter who was trying to work outside with his laptop and kept getting squirted. I thought he looked like an adorable fireman and Peter thought he looked like he was peeing all over the place. I'll let you decide for yourself. And yes, Cooper is in the nude cause that's how we roll out here in the country (Cooper that is, not Peter or me). Cooper doesn't like tan lines.

Cooper has also started to take big interest in feeding himself with his spoon. This came late mostly because I have a hard time relinquising control of utensils to someone with less than perfect dexterity skills. But learning means doing and this boy wants to do it himself. And it is really cute watching that spoon piled with way too much yogurt wiggle and wobble its way to a face with wide eyes and a mouth stretched to its limit. And if a cleanup crew is needed afterwards, well then so be it. It's in my job description.

Cooper does show an interest in housework. He likes to make things orderly, put things away, and LOVES the vacuum cleaner with a passion. Here he is workin' the Miele. I have a feeling that as he gets older, I will have to check the vacuum cleaner bag for action figures, toys, valuables, and other goodies.

And in further news, I am tenderly going about life as best as possible at the moment with what we suspect may be a broken tailbone and a large hematoma (bruise) on my arm. I am absolutely serious, and I am in a whole heap o' pain right now. To preserve what is left of my dimishing dignity, I will simply say that it involves a see-saw (or teeter totter if you prefer) and there were witnesses. It was really bad.

Danger is my middle name.

I may have mentioned in a previous post that Cooper is becoming more aware of his surroundings and discovering new things. He certainly has a taste for the dangerous side of life. This kid is not afraid of anything, including suffocating to death in small spaces.

We had our friends, Kellie and Christian, over for dinner on Saturday evening. I realized that Cooper was a little quiet, and most parents know that usually means they are into something they aren't supposed to be. Peter scoured the house and in the last room that he thought to look in, this is what he found.

Yup, that is our dryer. And, more specifically, that is Cooper in our dryer. He has always liked to come downstairs to the washroom and watch me do the laundry. He knows how to take out the lint filter in the dryer and open it so that I can clean out all the lint. He likes to close the doors and push the buttons. He loves to watch front loaders spin all the clothes around. I never thought he would want to BE the laundry.

He actually opens the door, climbs in, and closes the door all on his own. And boy, does he get angry when I pull him out!

So, now we have a checklist of items that I have to run through in my head to be sure that this little guy is safe:
- Doors locked - check
- Windows locked - check
- Washroom locked - check
- Bathroom faucets wrapped with multiple rubber bands - check

By the way, it sounds very quiet upstairs. I better go!

The Quilt

I just realized recently that I haven't written about my (or Cooper's) amazing new quilt. While I was in Augusta this past April, the plans for my sister-in-law's baby shower were underway. My wonderful Aunt Brenda had all types of plans for an extravagent event, and she mentioned to me that she was going to have a quilt made for April and the new baby using scraps of robes that she had collected from my mom's closet after my mom passed away in 2005. My mother had quite a collection of robes and she wore one every day. And, as it turns out, April's mom would be the one to make the quilt. Talk about an amazing and meaningful gift! And talk about jealousy on my part!

So, I was certainly overcome with emotion at the shower when I learned that not one, but TWO quilts were made. I am embarassed to say that I believe I did the ugly cry. So, here we are with our quilts. Unfortunately, I look like some sort of freakish giant in this picture!