
Friday, December 25, 2009


They came, they ate, they slept, and they ate some more.

All of my preparations really paid off. Christmas was enjoyable and more relaxing than I ever thought it would be. We have eaten and eaten and then we ate and then we had a little snack and then we decided to eat and then guess what we did next. I'll update with the actual Christmas events and pictures later, but all I can say is that my stomach is so tight I might go into premature labor just because the baby has no more room in there for all the food in my growing stomach.

It's hard to imagine that I will ever be hungry again.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I am coming to visit from McKMama's blog this morning. Your comment was beneath mine : )

Isn't that funny about the holidays. It seems like it is just NON stop eating : )

I love the picture in your blog header. It is so beautiful! Wow.