
Wednesday, January 13, 2010

It's Time to Check-In

That's the e-mail I received today from Delta. You see, I have this whole screwy system with my flights between the US and Germany. Since I moved here from the US, I of course bought a round trip ticket with the return as far out as I could book it which is 6 months. Therefore, after 6 months, every time I would use my return flight to the US I would have to book another flight to get myself and Cooper back to Germany. And since round trip tickets are significantly cheaper than one-way (I will never understand that logic), I would end up with another flight back to the US every 6 months. While this cycle has been an expensive one to maintain, it has done wonders for my psyche always knowing when I would get to return home to Georgia.

The last trip to Augusta in October required yet another purchase of a ticket. I booked the round-trip (because again . . . it's cheaper) and scheduled the return for a time when I knew it would still be safe for me to fly considering the pregnancy. At the time, I knew that unless there was a major event or need, I would not be using that return trip to Augusta. I was fine with that. I really didn't give it a whole lot of thought, until last weekend. Peter, Cooper, and I were in the car on a Saturday morning and I just had a bluesy feeling that I couldn't shake. The best way I could describe it to Peter was that I felt as if there was something I was supposed to be doing, but I couldn't remember what it was. Turns out, that something was preparing for a trip back home that I wouldn't actually take. And this leaves me with the uneasy feeling of not knowing when I will go back. Ick.

You would think that I would have enough to look forward to what with the baby coming in May and possible visitors within a few months after that. But that trip back home was always my security blanket and now I don't have that anymore.

On the bright side, we are covered in snow here and I don't have to shovel a single bit of it this winter! And there is another great accomplishment in our household which I will write about later.

Just know that I am missing all my homies and hope that you all are having a wonderful start to the New Year!


The Strozier Family said...

Definitely wish you were coming!! Hope you and your little papaya are doing great today. Miss you!

Unknown said...

Shall I send for you in the company jet?

Amanda said...

How sad!! I wish you had a return flight too!!