
Monday, December 22, 2008

One Sick Family

In a house with children, sometimes germs rule. We had everything all set to visit Peter's grandparents in the northern part of Germany. The trip had been scheduled since before our visit to Augusta and we knew we wanted to see them before Christmas. Peter was just loading the last bags into the car for the 7 hour drive and we had organized care for Kayla with Peter's parents. It was dinner time, so I didn't think much about it when Cooper got a little whiny. I picked him up, he laid his head on my shoulder and then there is just no way to describe in words the sound that comes from vomit hurled all over an individual's body. Hurl, splatter, chunkage, odor, sour . . . all seems to come to mind. I screamed and Peter ran upstairs to see what all the commotion was.

Cooper seemed to be just fine and even gave a little smile (devilish in my mind). Peter admitted that he had been tossing Cooper around and turning him upside down, so we thought that was the culprit. I ran to change clothes and Peter brought Cooper up to the bathroom so that I could get him cleaned up and as fresh as possible. All clean, all good and we thought we would be on our way. REPEAT! Yet again, REPEAT! Again, REPEAT! You would have thought that I would have caught on after 3 new outfits for both Cooper and me. After that, I resigned to a smelly t-shirt and Cooper stayed in a diaper wrapped in a couple of towels. Then, each time we just had to change the towel.

So, clearly a 7 hour drive was out of the question. We rescheduled with the grands and settled in for the night. Well, Peter went out to play poker with the boys, actually. Us moms sure do get the short end of the stick sometimes.

Saturday morning Cooper was all good again, but Saturday evening the stomach bug wave hit me. All I can say is violent. Then early Sunday morning Peter joined in on the festivities. Sunday afternoon, Peter and I were in dire need of a babysitter so we did the only thing we could think of to do . . . break out some of the Christmas gifts. Cooper wouldn't be able to tell anyone on Christmas morning that he had actually seen a few of these before, right?

So, here is a picture of the sick kid before the rest of us got it.

We did make it to Soltau the next weekend and had a wonderful time visiting with Peter's grandparents. They were very sweet and really seemed to enjoy their time with Cooper.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Bittersweet Returns

It's really good to no longer be living out of a suitcase. I unpacked those suckers in record time, which is a pretty significant thing since Peter and I tend to leave them out to wait for them to unpack themselves or at least until we wear everything in the suitcases till they are empty. The house wasn't quite as orderly as I'd hoped and all the plants were dead, but what can I expect with a man here by himself for 6 weeks? I've finally gotten everything cleaned up and back to normal.

I know that many of you have asked me about the flight. I am both happy and a little disappointed to announce that it actually went pretty good. Cooper slept quite a bit and when he didn't sleep he was either snacking or playing with the window shade (up, down SLAM, up, down SLAM, etc.)or kicking the seat in front of him and trying to unlatch the tray (again, woman in front of Cooper not the happiest). There were LOTS of kids on this flight. I am guessing about 10 kids under 3. It is disconcerting for us to have direct comparison of other kids' language skills with Cooper's. One German woman with a 2 year old talked with us as we were waiting to board while her son rattled on in perfect pronunciation. She asked us about Cooper and how old he was. We told her, but admitted that he didn't talk much yet. "Oh, but surely he can say several words now, right?" she insisted. "Oh, of course!" I lied, with a stiff grin. Then on the plane was another 2 year old boy. He talked about his toys and everything he recognized outside of the window, the wing, the trees, land, other planes, clouds, etc. During the flight he asked his mom about Oma. His mom explained that they would see Oma when the plane landed on the ground. Hours later, the moment the wheels touched the groud, the child threw his hands in the air and yelled "OMA!!". I am not sure that Cooper really noticed anything out the window and he may not know where his Oma is, but I can attest that my child can open and close an airplane window shade with more precision and persistence than any kid on that plane!

I do have to admit that I was a little disappointed that Peter didn't get to have the same experience as I did on the flight to the US, but I guess he needed the sleep. There are just some things that only mommies are blessed with, right?

Being settled back in here is bittersweet. I love our life here and am really enjoying this experience. But it is hard to be away from family and friends. Miss you all so much already.

Too little sand in the hour glass

While Cooper and I were in Augusta, we were constantly busy (both a good and bad thing). We had play dates, spent time with friends and family, watched Sesame Street, and thanks mostly to Ms. Daisy, my brother and sister-in-law, and my aunt we got a lot of work done. I have no idea how 7 weeks can't be enough, but it just wasn't. There were several people that we didn't get to see at all that we were really disappointed about and lots of people we only got to see once.

Peter finally joined us for the last 2 weeks, but there was a lot of conflict since pretty much every minute of each day was packed full. During his 2 weeks, we spent three days in Richmond, VA at the Weekend To Remember marriage retreat. This was really a fantastic conference that both Peter and I would recommend to anyone. My only regret would be that given all the things that we had packed into Peter's time in the US we really didn't feel that we had the time to relax and enjoy that weekend and that took away from our experience. One funny thing did come out of it, though. On the flight to Richmond, I looked down and saw that I forgot to put on my wedding rings and from that point on I knew that I would just feel really uncomfortable at a marriage conference without a wedding ring. I look while we rush through airports to see if I can find an inexpensive substitute and had no luck. When we arrived at the hotel we saw that we had a few hours to spare before the festivities began, so we headed down to the taxi stand with the intention of finding a mall or something similar to accomplish the task at hand. Here is our actual conversation with the taxi driver. Keep in mind we are in downtown Richmond, VA where there are lots of businesses and stores around.

Peter: We would like to go to a shopping area or mall. Is there something close by?
Driver: The big mall is about 45 minutes from here.
Me: We don't want to go that far. Is there a shopping area closer?
Driver: I know! I take you to Wal-Marts.
Me: Are there any nicer shops around?
Driver: You can find everything you need at the Wal-Marts. I always shop at the Wal-Marts.

After some thought, I figured that I could actually find a simple band at Wal-Mart and so we agreed and hopped in the van. The "Wal-Marts" was actually still a 25 minute drive away and we weren't convinced that this rackety van would make it that far, but we did make it and I did find a simple band. Peter and I even picked out an engagement ring knock-off to finish off the act. I was really hoping that Peter would get down on one knee and propose in the "Wal-Marts", but it didn't happen. Maybe for our 10 year anniversary?

The next weekend we went to Charleston, SC for Thanksgiving with my sister-in-law's family. We really had a great time there. We stayed in a really nice house right on the beach. Cooper got to see the ocean and walk on the beach for the first time (albeit it was pretty windy and chilly), Peter and Cooper flew a kite together, and Peter even got a few holes of golf in. April's dad brought along a little Craig Cat boat to take out into the intercoastal water areas. This little boat was great, and to give you an idea, when April and I were on the water we both said that we felt as if this little thing was the equivalent of a "golf cart". But let me tell you, it was the most amazing place to be that close to the water when we spotted a dolphin and it circled around and played right next to us. Pretty cool!

In all, Peter only had 5 days actually in Augusta and it just wasn't nearly enough time to pack everything in. So, I am really sorry to those of you that we didn't get to see much or that we didn't get to see at all. But mostly, I am sorry to Peter who just didn't get the vacation that he so desperately needed.

Pictures will be posted soon!

Sunday, November 9, 2008

More Mishaps . . . From Blue Bow Ties to Big Green Boots

Can anything else happen to poor little Cooper on our trip to the US? Cooper got his stiches off (Uncle Alan did it!) on Monday morning. Monday evening he was walking around chewing on a hairbrush (yes, this is a common pasttime that Cooper seems to enjoy). He ended up falling down and Aunt April picked him up crying next to the hairbrush. He cried for a pretty long time, and I checked his face and mouth thinking that maybe he had the brush still in his mouth and hurt that. He looked fine and I didn't see anything else wrong. He wanted me to hold him the rest of the evening and I did that. He was fine in the bathtub and slept OK that night. In the morning, he woke up as usual talking to himself in his bed. I thought it a little odd that he didn't stand up, but didn't think too much of it. As always I picked him up and started the morning with a diaper change. He started crying as I lifted his feet up. After some investigation Alan and I were able to determine that he had hurt a foot. Then it became obvious that he would not put the foot on the ground and would not attempt to walk on it. I gave it a day to make sure it wasn't anything minor, and then Alan was able to get us into the doctor on Wednesday. The doctor took an x-ray and sure enough Cooper has a small fracture and required a cast. I just can't believe all this has happened. The doctor stated that some kids walk in 30 minutes and some kids walk in 3 days, but they do figure out how to walk. Well, I pretty much knew that Cooper is cautious and wouldn't fall in the 30 minute category. Now it is Saturday (3 days) and he isn't even close. Considering how long it Cooper to learn to walk in the first place and how careful he is, it could still be a while before he gets it. So, back to crawling and carrying for us.

Other than that, we are really having a wonderful time here. I am starting to feel like I am running out of time, and there are still people that we haven't seen yet.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Happy Halloween, Ya'll

Cooper sure did enjoy Halloween here in Augusta. We borrowed an adorable costume from the Pond family, and Cooper was a dragon. April and I kept trying to teach him to ROAR, but Cooper wasn't interested in that. He was full of energy all day. After his afternoon nap, I got him into his costume and we went to visit Ms. Daisy and Granny Rogers. Then we headed over to a Halloween carnival at a local church. There Cooper enjoyed jumping on inflatables, running under a big colorful parachute, playing with balls, and riding little cars. He was all tired out after that and by the time trick-or-treaters came by the house he was asleep in his bed.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

If you think I look rough, you should see what I did to the other kid!!!

Well, we have had our first ever trip to the Emergency Room. Thank goodness Peter got us some insurance for foreign countries in case of emergencies while we were here. All I have to say is that he couldn’t have been in more caring hands when this occurred. We have been borrowing the most cool looking retro high chair so far. By retro, I mean this is the high chair that my sister in law, April, and her brother and sister used when they were little, so it is over 30 years old. It is still a great high chair, but lacks one new safety feature – a belt. And while some kids may not need this, Cooper definitely does. He has learned the phrase “sit down” while using this high chair because he loves to turn all around, stand up, and wiggle all around in this chair. He also loves to push with his feet against the tray, which does lock into place. Either Cooper is really strong or I didn’t have it locked in good enough, cause he kicked it right off and took a face dive to the floor. OUCH!!!

When I came in, Ms. Daisy was trying to stop the bleeding over Cooper’s left eye and calm his screams. In those situations all it takes is to be in mommy’s arms and the world is right again (motherhood is a powerful thing). After that Cooper was smiling and playing again, but he just wouldn’t let me clean off the cut. I waited a couple of hours, but it was still bleeding and after having my brother Alan who is a Physician Assistant take a look we decided to head to the ER in case stitches were needed. I’m glad we did, because that is exactly what was required. Cooper did great, and only screamed when we had to hold him down. Alan had the head, I took the arms and chest, April had a leg, and a med student had the other leg. It is really strange to watch a needle pierce your child’s face and see them sew up a cut. He got 3 stitches which I call his “blue bow ties”. Cooper looked 100% better after that, and when we got back home he was all smiles with Ms. Daisy. He went immediately to sleep when I laid him down, and I headed to Wal-Mart for a new portable high chair. (How much do I enjoy a 24 hour superstore? Immensely!)

Cooper gets mad at me when I have to clean the wound, but other than that he doesn’t even know it is there. But you can imagine the looks we get around town with his “blue bow ties” on his head. I think I have now told the story about 75 times.

Maybe this was Cooper’s way of letting me know that he wants to be Frankenstein for Halloween, what do you think?

Adventures in Augusta

We’ve been in Augusta now for three full weeks and I can’t believe how fast the time is flying by. I guess I’ll start from the top beginning with our flight over.

The flight was very, very L-O-N-G. I was really wishing that Peter had come with me. We had to go through 2 full security checks to get to the gate, which was new for me. I just love how airport employees stand around and stare at a sweating mom with a carseat strapped to her back trying to unload everything onto the x-ray belt and keep a toddler from running in every direction. You know how Cooper likes to wander. Out of the 5 airport employees standing around doing nothing at each security checkpoint, you would think that one of them could at least lift a stroller or a bag onto the belt, but apparently they are simply paid to stand there and stare. Does that come with benefits? Once we got to the gate, Cooper was really thirsty and whiny (and of course you can't take any liquids in). There were no vending machines and there was no way that I could make it into the bathrooms with a large stroller, carseat on the back, carry on suitcase, and diaper bag (plus child). So, we went to the ONE place available to buy something to drink. The lady behind the counter refused to give us tap water so I was forced to buy apple juice. 0,3 liters for nearly 5 euros (for you Americans, that is a really small cup for nearly $10)!! I snapped and pretty much went off on her, which wasn't the most Christian thing to do, but it really was ridiculous. Boarding the flight was an absolute nightmare. Imagine carrying all that stuff and Cooper (since I had to leave the stroller at the door) down a very narrow aisle bumping and scraping everything and everyone on the way. There were literally 4 stewardesses standing there watching me with horrified faces and not a single one offered to take a bag. Finally a man behind me gave me a hand. Cooper was pretty good on the flight, but DID NOT SLEEP. In spite of his usual 4 hour naps during the day and early bedtime, which was while we were still in the air with a few hours to go, he only took a small 1 hour nap. The rest of the time he wanted to stand up in his carseat (he would start whining and turning into a scream when I would try to buckle him in). I had to keep him from pulling the lady's hair in front of us (who had already indicated to her husband in German her displeasure at being seated in front of a child). Once seated, before taxi and take-off, the couple immediately reclined all the way back and Cooper started kicking her seat. She called the stewardess over and told the stewardess that she would not be able to sleep with her seat moving like that. The stewardess asked her to put her seat in the upright position for the time being anyways. Cooper really enjoyed trotting down the aisles during the flight and wouldn't eat any of the food. So he basically just snacked all day on cheese, crackers, PB&J, etc. Somewhere in the 6th hour a migraine creeped in and by the last hour it was so bad I thought I was going to puke. I was literally looking for the barf bags on the plane (they weren't there which sent me into a slight panic).

But we did make it and I am so glad that is all behind me and that Peter will be on the return flight. However, I have a sneaking suspicion that Cooper will sleep the entire length of the return flight. You know how that goes.

We are having a great time seeing friends and family. Being here makes me see what I am missing out on with everyone and makes me miss it all the more. We are having play dates with lots of friends every week, went to a pumpkin patch, spent some quality time with my Grandmother Rogers and other family, we’ve been spoiled rotten by our beloved Ms. Daisy (and I have a rounded waistline thanks to her delicious cooking), and Cooper is even attending Kindermusik again which is so great for him! But I think that by December I will be ready to get back to our house and normal routine.

I am not ready for a Bavarian winter yet, though. Peter says it might snow this week. Well, the sun is shining here and the fall weather this week has pushed us into wearing pants and long sleeves, however I still get to enjoy wearing flip flops during the day. How I hate to part with those! We still have a lot of people to see and several more weeks to enjoy. Stay tuned!

Monday, September 29, 2008

Trips, Slides, and Pre-Shopping Lectures

So, looks like I am past due for an update. The visit with Christina, Jared and Tabitha was great. We saw Neuschwanstein castle (the one that Walt Disney modeled Cinderella's castle after), spent a day in Munich, enjoyed some great waterslides, visited a large lake called Chiemsee that contained a beautiful island with another castle modeled after Versailles in Paris and built by the same king that built Neuschwanstein. I really enjoyed driving through the Bavarian countryside, probably the only place that you will see cow crossing signs, and yes, we did have to stop for cows in the road . . . twice. Of course, I had to tear Tabitha and Jared off of the Wii Mario Kart game so that they could take in the sights!

Cooper is a wild man. He is walking everywhere and he is fast! Now that he is able, he wants to walk everywhere and the once novel and exciting grocery cart has apparently become a torturous restraint for this man on the move. We have a short conversation before we go into any store now and it goes a little something like this: "If you want to walk you have to hold mommy's hand and walk in the same direction as mommy. If you don't hold mommy's hand and don't look when mommy calls you, you will have to get back into the cart/stroller." Not that Cooper really comprehends it, but I have to inform him of the rules nonetheless. Sure enough as soon as he is down he refuses to hold mommy's hand and, if loose, breaks into a high-knee march/trot in the exact opposite direction of where we are going (usually accompanied by a high pitched squeal that must be intended for dogs hearing). At this point he is like a deaf horse with blinders, not even a turn, pause, or flinch when I yell his name. True to my word, this means that he has to go back into the cart/stroller at which point he performs what Jared calls the "limp kitty" pose. Letting his whole body go limp so that he flops around on the floor and although he weighs somewhere around 27 pounds, it feels more like 40. Then as we approach the cart/stroller, the thrashing and screaming starts. Birth control, anyone? Luckily he recovers quickly and this whole episode doesn't last long. Still though, makes me wonder what the upcoming 10 hour flight will be like.

Aside from strong-willed toddler shopping episodes, Cooper is a great little boy. In general, he listens when we tell him "no" and has started to enjoy handing us random objects in order to receive a big smile and a "Thank You". So, if you are idle in a room, you may end up with a collection of a pen, phone, remote control, socks, shoes, books, papers, DVDs, pillows, etc. all courtesy of a sweet little boy with a huge smile on his face. It's actually kind of fun until you have to put it all back. He is now tall enough to reach the light switches and controls for the floor heating in our house, so I am constantly going through the house turning off lights and checking to make sure the heat is set correctly. And I can't believe it, but today I noticed that he is tall enough to open the top kitchen drawers, stand on his tip toes and look at what is inside. His favorite thing to do in the living room is to climb onto the back of the sofa and stand up in the window sill. From here he can pull down the external window shades (it's a German thing) and he has now learned to open the window, which is actually a horribly dangerous skill considering the lengthy fall at risk. I've attached pictures at the bottom of the man in action. He is also skilled at opening and closing doors.

He still enjoys the slide and swing in the backyard, and when we are playing in the front driveway with the other little boys, he will sometimes decide that is where he wants to go. So he will walk over, open the gate, walk up the steep hill to the back and start pushing the swing back and forth. I was working in the yard on Sunday morning and Peter announced that Cooper was now capable of sliding on his own without us holding on. I skeptically asked, "Are you sure?" To which Peter set Cooper again at the top and sent the big boy on his way (unassisted). Cooper flops backward with legs flailing and flies in the air off the end of the slide right onto his butt on the grass. He gets up for another go, and Peter and I bust out laughing. No, Cooper is not quite ready to handle the slide without a little help.

Cooper and I will be flying October 8th back to our hometown and Peter will come over the week before Thanksgiving. We will return to Germany on December 1st. It's actually quite fun to tell folks here that I am going to be in the states for 7 weeks. I love my job! Can't wait to see you all!

Tuesday, September 23, 2008


This has nothing to do with Cooper, but I will put it on here because it is important to me. I like to think that I am a happy person most of the time, and usually pretty lighthearted. I care about my friends and family, and I genuinely want the people I care about to be happy. Very seldom in my adult life have I had bad relationships. Most of my friends I have been friends with for several years, and as an adult I have learned that good friends are hard to find. The friends and family that I have now, I hope to have in my life for a very long time.

While I try to be honest with all, there are only a few people in my life with whom I can really express my deepest feelings. Peter would probably attest that this isn't always a good thing. I can be relentlessly intense, and sometimes don't hold back. I think that this is a result of seeing what secrets can do to a family and to relationships. I tell the truth, even when it hurts people. I don't think that this will ever change, and I am not sure that I want it to. If you are ever the recipient of this from me, you can be assured of a couple of things. You are among those that I hold closest and most dear. I wouldn't put the time, energy, and emotions to try to express myself this way if I didn't deeply love that person. There are some people, some relationships, with whom I cannot be satisfied with superficiality. If patterns hold true, I am only this way when I desperately want to make a relationship better and whole again.

It may not be the right way, but it is my way and I don't want it to be misunderstood.

Monday, September 1, 2008

Neurotic behavior, anyone?

My friend, Kelly, put a quote on my facebook recently. I loved the quote, but more importantly, I love that someone saw something and was reminded of me. It just feels good. Anyways, here is the quote, and I must say that I am honored to be associated with it. It is so me!!!

"I'm not great at the advice. Can I interest you in a sarcastic comment?"

By the way, I am completely infatuated with facebook and have reconnected with so many old high school pals. If you aren't hooked yet, get hooked.

OK, so on to the neurotic stuff. I am sick sometimes, I know I am. I have all kinds of neurotic behaviors, some of which drive me and others crazy (like my list making, which I must do everyday, and if feeling especially neurotic, I make lists for Peter . . . and then I put little times beside each item of when they could potentially be completed . . . I do the same for myself and get so excited when I am ahead of schedule that I reward myself with a little piece of chocolate . . . LOVE the lists - I digress).

Some of my neurosis do make me laugh at myself, especially those that remind me of my mom as if they are a secret bond that we share or a personality trait imbedded in both of us. For example, I must completely use up an item before I can open another one. I hate to have more than one open jar of mayo in the fridge. It taunts me each time I open the fridge door. Peter gets a stern lecture when a new toothpaste or deoderant is opened before the last one has been thoroughly depleted. Can you imagine the "discussion" we had when we lived in our bigger house in Evans with lots of bathroom cabinets, and upon cleaning out said cabinets there were not 2, not 3, not 4, but 8 (gasp!!) partially used men's deoderants in various locations? My heart is racing just recalling the vision and I am feeling a little tense thinking about it. In fact, just last weekend we were at Peter's parents and upon using the last part of my deoderant, the stick came out, tumbled into the sink and broke into about 8 pieces. I actually picked them all up, mushed them into a ball, shoved it back onto the applicator and continued to use it until finished (with a few reshapings in between).

Now, I am not up to my cousin Melissa and aunt Brenda's standards when it comes to toothpaste (Melissa gathers all the very nearly empty toothpastes in the house and puts them in Brenda's bathroom, Brenda then cuts open the tubes to scrape out the rest . . I am not there *yet* but I am dully impressed with the notion). I do, however, have several tactics to getting my money's worth out of each tube. I squeeze from the bottom, then I use a toothbrush handle to scrape from the bottom up to push more remnants to the top. Then I rub the tube along the side of the sink or counter to make sure there isn't anything left. Then, I fold the tube to push out more. This continues for several uses until that doesn't produce anymore. After that I do the whole thing again, fold at the base, then fold the sides in from there. You can get at least 2 more uses out of the tube by doing this . . . and a couple of blisters on your fingers. But hey, I must be saving at least half a cent with each tube of toothpaste by doing this, right?

When it comes to shampoo, conditioner, and body wash, I use it till you have to stand it upside down. There it stands for at least a week, and only after I try three times without getting anything do I give up and throw it away; those are some bad hair days in there. There is also make-up. I hate buying make-up. I think it is way too expensive, and so I do plan to get my money's worth out of that as well. Just take a look at the current condition of my powder and blush at the moment. Mere crumbs, but I am convinced that there are still a good 10 uses out of them to go. Therefore, it would be just plain wasteful to throw them away. Never mind that I spend 5 additional minutes each day trying to gather up enough to apply to my face or that I have to use the end of a hair barrette to crush the little clumps into a fine powder to gather onto the sponge or brush, most of which ends up falling into the sink or onto the floor as I apply, which then means that I have to clean both more frequently. I simply cannot bring myself to throw them away and start with a fresh package.

I told you, I am sick. I didn't understand why mother got so upset when we opened a new ketchup bottle, but I totally get it now.

I would love to hear from you all about the crazy things you do. That would make me feel better. Otherwise tell me that it is OK to throw these things out and buy new, although I doubt I will believe you.

Friday, August 8, 2008

Walking Toddler on the Loose and Adventures in Europe

The last month has been a fantastical whirlwind and I feel sometimes that I need to pinch myself since it is all such a stark contrast to our last year in the US. Not that our time in the US was bad, just so busy with no time for travelling or vacation. This time of year is gorgeous in Germany. Our front yard is a huge wheat field and the farmer started cutting it yesterday afternoon. His tractor is very big and very loud, so it shouldn't have been a surprise that when we went out to witness it, all the neighbors were out watching as well. Lots of big eyes from all the little boys as they waved to the farmer on his tractor. There are also tons of corn fields with crops of corn taller than I have ever seen, I am guessing more than double Peter's height. The weather is sunny and warm and has everything of summer that I love . . . swimming, summer dresses for me, Cooper's adorable exposed tummy, playing outside, walking barefoot, and the sound of crickets and frogs on a warm summer's night. I love it!

Alan, my brother, and April, my sister-in-law were here. We met in Paris, and there was quite a bit of confusion at the airport since it was necessary to take a bus or train to the hotel and it was just hard to figure out. Peter, Alan, and April were already at the hotel resting and I was antsy with anticipation at seeing familiar familial faces again and hear the old southern twang again. We spent 4 days in Paris touring around and had Rick Steve's Best of Europe book as our travel bible. While Rick did a great job pointing us in the right direction each day, we were greatly disappointed in one of his Restaraunt recommendations. Our first night we decided we would do it right in an authentic french restaurant, and we put our trust in ol' Rick. Don't ask why we were surprised that there wasn't any English on the menu, but we were. Walking in I saw a plate with a huge grey fish on it complete with scales, head, eyeballs, and tail. All I knew was that I did not want that. We tried our best to piece together things that sort of looked like words we recognized, and our waiter was no help but was really trying to push the fish. Peter got the fish, I got some sort of slop with I believe a meat in it, April got a dry chicken (the most appealing looking out of the three, but the fish supposedly tasted the best . . . I refused to try it), and Alan got a steak that was cooked so rare it bled all over the place and yet was so tough that a knife couldn't cut it so he jabbed it with his fork lifted it to his mouth and tried to knaw off a piece. We laughed so hard and the table next to us got a genuine chuckle as well. So, Rick didn't get it right on the food, but the laugh was almost worth it. Almost. The rest of Paris was filled with Eiffel tower, church's (not the chicken), a bike tour in which I literally nearly caused a huge accident and nearly my own life (the tour guide told us to DOMINATE and I complied), and even a free trip to Disney Paris courtesy of my hubby's job!

Peter was working in Paris the whole time at the Disney office there . . . or so he said. As Alan, April, and I were touring around, we were looking at the sunbathers along the river and spotted Peter in his speedo bikini pounding away on his laptop. We took a picture to prove that we saw him! That sneaky (and cheeky) fellow!

Next we were on to home base here in Isen, we spent a day in Munich on Mike's Bike Tours, which I have now done for what I believe would be the 7th time and if you visit Munich, this tour is highly recommended. After another day in Isen doing laundry, then we headed out for Prague. Now I am not a rookie travellor and I don't appreciate blonde jokes all that much (I now dye my hair brown), but I must say that I had my fill of blonde moments from the start of this little leg of our trip. There are three main rules to travelling:
1. Have passports
2. Take some money
3. Check reservations.

First off, Prague is in another country (Czech Republic) and passports are needed. Well, I had mine but little Cooper was just left out in the cold by his mommy. Luckily we didn't need the passports at anytime, so Cooper was allowed into the country with the rest of us. But after driving 4 hours, I was convinced that we would be turned away. Next up, we needed some lunch. We stop at McD's just past the border. They don't take credit card, we haven't changed any money yet to Czech Kronz, but luckily they take Euros! Unfortunately, I don't seem to have any Euros with me either! Ever seen the losers cleaning out the car and searching under the seats for some spare change at McD's? Yeah, well that was us. We got enough for each person to have a hamburger and had to live with that. Poor April had to split hers with Cooper. Finally, we made it to the hotel. Parking was a nightmare so I won't even go there. But upon arrival we learn that there is a problem with our reservation. It is for the next night! Oh, Amy. Seriously? The hotel was very nice to overbook themselves on our behalf, so I couldn't find the heart to complain about the giant hole in my bathroom cieling (big enough for a large manly criminal to come in during the night). The rest of Prague was rainy, and I was feeling pretty low that I destroyed the magic of Prague for Alan and April. This is the city that Peter and I find so romantic and wonderful. We missed out on a few major sights including the Golden Alley and Jewish Cemetery (if you ever go to Prague you must not miss these!!!) But they did get to see Old Town Square at night, which proved to be magical for Cooper as well. He sat back in his stroller eating ice cream, gazing, and laughing at the beautiful gothic buildings all lit up. Our second day in Prague ended with a very nice tour guide, a 70-something native of Prague who was very knowledgable and had 4 large hairs (2 black, 2 grey) protruding from the top of his nose (the top, people, not even the nostril!), but he enjoyed talking so much that after going more than an hour over the designated tour time (and he was more than an hour from finishing and it was raining) we had to cut it short and call it a day.

After our 2 eventful days in Prague we were glad to make it back to Isen, and to celebrate Peter's 33rd birthday and spend some down time. Although, our down time also consisted of a hike up a mountain with Uncle Alan carrying Cooper up, and Peter and I trading off with Cooper on the way down (Cooper loves his Deuter pack that he sits in, we highly recommend it!).

Then we set off for London, baby! A little scare beforehand given that Lufthansa was going on strike this very day, but we got lucky and made our flight with no problem. We were all glad to be in English speaking territory for some time. Highlights of London include the double decker tour bus (you've got to do it!), which comes with the most touristy complimentary ponchos if there should be sprinkles and yes, we wore them, even Alan. Also, Big Ben, Parliament, Westminster Abbey, St. Paul's, traditional fish and chips in an English pub along the Thames, the Tower of London, etc. And you know I can't do London without a Broadway Musical! Alan and April flew back to the US from there and we came home. Whew! Now I am pooped!

But you know that I am always most excited to to write about my little man. I know I say it everytime, but he is just more and more amazing everyday. He is finally walking!!!!!! YAY!! Not constantly, since crawling is still the preferred and faster method for Coop, but he can walk all the way across the living room or kitchen and can change directions. He finds it a fun game now and a sure way to make mommy whoop and holler and jump up and down all while clapping. This he finds to be quite the worthy reward for his treacherous journey across the room. Then he will look around for more things to walk to and obtain more frantic cheers. Peter's sister and parents gifted us with a swing/slide set in the backyard and Cooper is all into that. He loves to slide and does it almost alone, but you know mommy has to keep holding onto that hand. He would rather do it himself. His favorite game is STILL peek-a-boo. This gets lots of shreiks, laughs, and squeals of delight, so he loves when I squat down low and push him in the swing, so that when he swings forward he goes over my head, and when he swings back, I re-appear. Pure ecstatic joy for him. He also loves going to the pool and is absolutely fearless around water, and there seems to be no end to his energy at the pool. He still takes naps (3-4 hours during the day) like a piece of cake, goes to bed at night at 7:30 like a dream, sleeps through the night and this morning didn't wake up till 9:45! Peter and I find ourselves saying at least 5 times a week, "He is such a great sleeper!". And he is, and I wouldn't trade those great ZZZZ's for anything, but is it silly that I actually miss him when he is sleeping? I mean, he is right there! Peter and I have a tradition everynight that we did from the time he was born, to go into his room before we go to bed ourselves and just peek at him, pull the cover up, and admire him. Those moments are the most precious for me. I just look at him and know how amazing he is, wonder how in the world we could create something like that, and I swear it looks like he is growing and changing before my eyes. He gets older every night!

Cooper's new thing that melts my heart is giving really tight hugs. And he does this to me about 100 times a day. Or if I am cooking in the kitchen, he will grab hold of my dress or shorts and walk along with me around the kitchen. He is such a delight and I am so blessed to have such a loving, lovable, happy, well-behaved little guy. I know my time is coming when he will have his not so wonderful moments, but I am revelling in the current days and these moments when clearly mommy hangs the moon!

Now we are getting back to normal, and also preparing for our next visitors. Tabitha, Jared, and Christina will be here soon and more adventures are sure to come our way. We hope that some of you others will take some time to come visit as well. Otherwise, it looks like Peter and I will be flying back to the US for a visit on October 8th and we will plan to see as many of you as possible then. I can't wait to see friends and family again. The one thing missing here for us is you all. Can't wait to get some Mexican with the North Augusta crowd, meet for lunch with my MCG folks, head to Harlem to see that undeniably beautiful spawn of the Sosebee's (she really is one of the most beautiful babies I have ever seen!), spend time with my old school friends and girlfriends, and let the family take a good gander at our handsome little man. You all are so missed, and even though I rave about our wonderful time here, it still isn't as good as having that great network of people around to laugh and talk about life with.

Take care, love and miss you all!

Monday, July 7, 2008

Still here . . . with the wind blowing through my hair on the Autobahn!

OK, so I did take quite a long break from writing, but it was only cause I was really waiting for some more silly experiences to write about and either I am getting used to things here or life on the farm just doesn't produce much drama. It's a little of both and I am quite pleased about it.

So, first updates then stories. Nothing new with me personally. I have a pretty good routine during the week of cleaning the house, cutting the grass, taking Cooper to the pool with other stay at home moms, and aerobics. There is a community center here that has aerobics classes that my neighbor and I attend and membership is only 46 euros per year. SO CHEAP!! It is great, and the classes aren't too bad. All in all, I am really enjoying mine and Cooper's new lifestyle. Unfortunately, Peter's work hasn't lifted any. In the last month he was only home for about a week. He just returned from a two and a half week trip to London/LA and he is back to the daily grind in the office today. He is working so hard and is so stressed that whenever he isn't working, he gets sick. Which takes away any fun time with hubby/daddy that we are craving. But Peter honestly feels that some things are changing in August, and his work life will ease up a little then. Guess I'll just have to work on my tan till then.

Cooper is a hoot. The man is going to eat me out of house and home, and he ain't but 17 months. This kid chows down. New interests include strawberries, grapes, chocolate, and yes, McD's Happy Meals. I know, I am a bad mom, but if you could see how skinny this child is, you would cave too. I am cooking things with heavy cream and giving him lots of high calorie foods to try to plump him up a little. But man, is he cute. We're still working on the walking. He is just so laid back and content that he sees no need to change from crawling. Our pediatrician isn't at all concerned since he has witnessed how strong Cooper is. The ped just says it will be a couple more weeks. Cooper loves to stand, and I make him walk holding my hand as much as possible. He can't be enticed to walk by the old method of coming to mommy or daddy. That just isn't exciting enough. But put the kid in front of a mirror and he'll take 6-7 steps no problem over and over. He loves to see himself in a mirror. He is also my little organizer, and always wants to make sure that all the drawers and cabinet doors are nicely shut. In his playroom, I often dump all the blocks out so that he can put them all back in the bin. And he has learned to put his toys in the basket at the end of bathtime. I am so proud that he is following his mommy's footsteps. I am just trying to decide at what age I should present him with his own label maker?

One piece of interesting news is that Cooper got his first real haircut (besides the mini cut that I let Uncle Al give him in Augusta). The interesting thing was that I wasn't there. I went shopping on Friday last week and let my neighbor who has 3 boys watch Cooper in the morning. She called me halfway through to let me know that 1. Cooper hadn't taken a nap yet and 2. She hoped I wouldn't be mad but she gave Cooper a haircut. Well, what could I say? No point in being mad, it certainly wouldn't bring any curls back. But it is short and although it is cute, I would have loved to have been there to see this rite of passage and take some pictures. The nice thing is that Cooper is now the spitting image of his dad, and it is really cute.

Kayla is just Kayla, and still afraid of life. Like her little brother she also loves her snacks, and I took her to the pet store to pick some out on her own. She was drawn to these 3 foot long "bones", or at least they looked like bones to me. They are called Ochsen Ziemer, so I figured that they must be from an ox. So I bought a package and gave her one when we got home. She scarfed all 3 feet down in about 5 minutes and seemed satisfied. When Peter got home and looked at the package he gave me a wry smile and asked me if I knew what they were. I told him that I figured they were some sort of bone from an ox. He proceeded to tell me that yes, they were from an ox, but no, they surely aren't bones. They are part of the PENIS!!!! I had to look it up myself and it is confirmed. I am completely disgusted, but Kayla doesn't seem to mind!

Peter's dad finally finished changing our VW Passat station wagon over to German standards. We just got it back and I am so happy to have a car with a decent engine. Even though it isn't really a "fast car" I have had a wonderful time on the autobahn in it. I have one rule that Peter and I both have to abide by on the road . . . anything over 100 mph requires TWO hands on the steering wheel. I don't usually go much faster than that with Cooper in the car, but it sure can make getting from point A to point B pretty exciting, not to mention faster! Without Cooper in the car, anything is fair game as long as we are careful. All I can say is that if any of you decide to come over, be sure to get an international drivers license, cause you just have to cut loose on the autobahn.

I guess that is about it for now. I am so psyched about the upcoming trips we have planned. Alan and April will be here in a couple of weeks and we will hit London, Paris, Prague, and some sights in Germany including a mountainous hike! Christina and Tabitha are still forming August plans for Germany and Ireland. And we will see you all when we are back in the US in October. We welcome anyone else who wants to make a trip over here!

Sorry I have been a dweeb in the e-mail department in the last month or so. I promise not to go so long next time. Please don't follow my suit and stop sending me e-mails as well. I love to hear from you all, and it really does make me feel closer to home. Let me know how you all are doing. Miss you all and can't wait to hear from you. Take care!

Friday, May 30, 2008

Props to Stinky Pete!!!

So, at the risk of making you all very jealous, I have to indulge you all on the fabulous weekend I just had, thanks to my wonderful hubby. Yes, Peter actually planned an entire surprise weekend and didn't even spoil the surprise as usually happens with his big surprises. (Many of you may remember his last big surprise of my 30th birthday party, which was very nicely planned, but was ruined since I had taken a muscle relaxer shortly before for my aching back and kept requesting Peter to take me home so that I could go to sleep, which obviously wasn't an option and overall I was about as dull as an old nail from 1876) Anyways, this surprise didn't require a muscle relaxer and was executed tremendously well. Peter had arranged for his sister to keep Cooper for the weekend, so I didn't have to worry about him one bit. We left at 5:30 AM and I had no idea where we were headed. Peter told me what to pack (comfortable clothes, same temperature as Germany, something nice for the evening, a bathing suit just in case) and nothing else. I was totally psyched as we approached the airport! In fact I was feeling so sprightly, that I made sure that my lipstick was fresh the whole weekend (which this housewife hasn't done in months!). Even at the airport Peter was able to keep the destination under concealment, but that was revealed when the passport control officer asked Peter where we were headed. London!!! (After this Peter had to disclose that he had to be in London this weekend for a planned power outage to test the servers, but he didn't have to be in the office just nearby in case something went wrong). That didn't bother me since I absolutely love London, and Peter had planned a full schedule for the 2 of us. We arrived in London early (it's an hour earlier in London than in Germany), and after dropping our luggage off at the hotel, we hopped back in our taxi to our first surprise destination. Being the sneaky one, Peter was able to communicate with the taxi driver on the sly so I still didn't know where we were going. As we approached our destination, there were hundreds of pedestrians and the driver announced he couldn't go any further and that's when I knew it could be no other than Notting Hill!!! My favorite thing to do in London on a Saturday morning. Tons of shops, antiques, one of a kind finds, and the quirkiest people you might ever encounter (aside from Mardi Gras in New Orleans or Fantasy Week in Florida which I wouldn't really describe so much as quirky as I would disgustingly scary; Notting Hill is hugely charmingly quirky). After a couple of hours and a lovely purchase for a momento, we headed back to the hotel to check in. Then, the next surprise came when Peter had booked at a spa next to the hotel for us to have 1 hour massages. Now, that would make anyone's day! After that we walked for an hour or so in Hyde Park. Finally it was time to get dressed. I was simply told to dress nice, and I have to say that we made a smashing couple! We had dinner at a local favorite Chinese restaurant and then hopped in the taxi for yet another surprise. I thought I might wet my pants when we pulled up outside of the Apollo Victoria Theatre playing the Broadway Musical that I have been dying to see for the last 3 years . . . WICKED! It was absolutely phenomenal. The cast was incredible and the show was even more wonderful than I had imagined. Aside from the lady two rows back from Peter who informed him that she couldn't see because of him (and where would you like for him to go, ma'am?) it was a perfect evening. Sunday consisted of shopping in London's great shops and then home.

That was my perfect weekend. Not a single diaper to change and I got to enjoy the first class lounge at the airport. And I have this terrible illness that forces me to indulge on every free thing that is offered, I had a coffee, a banana, and two ice creams in the lounge. I also took an OK! tabloid magazine to enjoy on the plane. Then of course the first class food on the plane is much nicer than in coach, so I had to have some fresh bread, a chicken salad, tiramisu, and coke. Needless to say I didn't eat anything for the rest of the day! By the way if any of you love tabloid magazines as much as I do (who doesn't enjoy a good People or Star every now and then), London can't be beat on their tabloids. OK! and Hello! are the best ever!!! I am now an expert on the current events . . . that is, on Angie and Brad, Jennifer Anniston and John Mayer, Amy Winehouse, and of course, the royal Princes William and Henry.

Now I am back at the hacienda, and it is hotter than blazes here. Since no houses have AC, I have to get used to the heat. I am about to head out to cut the grass, so that won't really help. But I will think of you all in your icy cold air conditioned houses and offices. And while I may be slightly jealous that you are all cool as cucumbers, I can just sit back and reflect on my handsome husband that plans fabulous weekend getaways!

Just heard from my wonderful friends Christina and Tabitha that they are planning trips over here and want to visit Ireland in August. Waiting to hear when the rest of you will be heading over!! We are coming back sometime in October so will see you all then. Take care and please let me know what is new with you. I love getting your e-mails and hearing about what is happening in your lives. Makes me feel a little closer to home!

Amy (not sweating, just glistening)

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Responding to the Masses - Pictures of the Abode

It's another beautiful day in paradise over here. No funny stories lately, but I'll at least give you some updates. Dropped Peter off at work this morning, and he is flying to London (should be on the plane right now) today. On the way, he gave me directions to a new mall in Munich and asked if I wanted to go shopping. Don't you guys know by now that those are dangerous words? Seriously though, all I want is a closet, and I've got my hopes that ours might arrive this week. Maybe if you all cross your fingers and send up a quick request on my behalf to the Big Man I might get my wish. Surely 40 prayers and 160 crossed fingers should move me up the list. Oh, and something to put the TV on while you are at it.

So, I've gotten many requests for pictures of the house, and until things are in a more orderly fashion I am hesitant to send. But attached are a few areas that I am willing to release to appease your curiosity for the time being. I am attaching pictures of Cooper's room and play room, bot of which are on the top floor. A picture of the stairs going up to his floor and down to the living room, so that you can get an idea of our strange split level. The exposed wood and beam cielings make me feel like I am in a chalet in the Alps. I also included a couple of pictures of the kitchen and a view of those Green Acres from the kitchen windows.

What's new with us? Peter and I are on a mission to shed our spare tire or at the very least reduce it to a shapely muffin top. We head out every evening after Cooper is in bed to throw a frisbee or play a little badminton. Anyone who has ever seen me throw a frisbee knows that this is never a pleasant game for my opponent who has to hastily sprint in any variety of directions to retrieve my poor throws. I have to retrieve any of my own throws that end up behind me (this isn't a joke). But, I can justify by telling Peter that I am offering a major contribution to shedding those unwanted pounds! I'm much better at Badminton.

The C man is doing well. We keep trying to trick him into standing by himself, and sometimes it works. He gets a big applause when he stays up for a few seconds. He is just so dang careful. Definitely takes after his dad. His bottom teeth are starting to look a little crooked to me (could it be all the biting?) and all of his teeth are spaced apart, so he looks like an adorable Jack-0-Lantern when he smiles. He has discovered that silly faces are hilarious, so he gets a comedy variety show each night with dinner that leaves him screaming with giggles. Babies have the best laughs (Kelly and Wade, you know this) that comes straight from the gut, if not sometimes from the toes.

We are expecting our first visitors this July. My brother, Alan, and his wife, April, are coming and we couldn't be more excited. We are planning our travels to Paris, Munich, Prague, London and some small towns in Germany including our own. See what you all are missing? Let me know when you are ready to plan your own trip over here, and we'll be glad to help find good deals for you.

Monday, May 19, 2008

Comment on the plumber

By the way, Peter asked me to let you all know that he does make house calls if any of you have any plumbing problems. You can enjoy this hunka hunka burnin' love in your own home, but he ain't cheap! As I told my friend, Kay, I also have a picture of this same German handyman laying tile in our North Augusta house wearing underwear and a pair of black socks, but I have not been authorized to release those pictures to the public. We don't want anyone swooning. :)

The Plumbers Here are So Hot!!!

Just another quick tidbit from Deutschland. We had a leaky faucet in the kitchen and it needed to be replaced, so I requested the assistance of one of the local plumbers. This guy was very prompt, service was excellent, and I can't help but say it . . . he was really good looking. And apparently the exposed crack thing is an international phemonenon. I snapped a quick photo while he wasn't looking. Scroll down or click on the attachment link to sneak a peek! And hey, if anyone needs me to blow this up poster size for your home or office, I'll put in some orders on Shutterfly!

Friday, May 9, 2008

Green Acres is the Place to Be

Sidebar - As you will be able to see, this was written via e-mail before I created this blog.

Sick of hearing from me yet? I am considering getting a blog as some of you have suggested. This would prevent me from filling up your inboxes, however I have the suspicious feeling that you will forget to check it out from time to time, forget about me, and all of my genius writings of antics here in Funky Town (don't know why I just called it that other than the song Funky Town popped into my head and I am sure it will reside there for the rest of the day - dangit!). Am I thinking too highly of myself? Maybe that's because I am spending so much time ALONE with ME, MYSELF, and I, plus Cooper and Kayla. And seeing as Cooper and Kayla both think I am the greatest person on the face of the Earth, well that lends one to feel that they may be somewhat important. OK, maybe not a genius, but at least very entertaining . . . or maybe just slightly interesting . . . OK, fine just a pesky little mosquito you can't get rid of. Well, put your fly swatters away, cause this country girl will be here for a LONG TIME. And just for the record I have made several installments of a mom's blog that never made it onto Cooper's website thanks to ol' Stinky Pete.

So, on to actual items that you need to know about. First off is a financial tip for all you savvy investors. Should any of you have stocks in McDonald's or Zaxby's, heed my advice and don't take these next 3 words lightly.


Yes, with the nearest McDonald's over 20 minutes away from here and no Zaxby's to be found on the continent, you can bet that both businesses will take a huge hit. Many of you know my obsession with those juicy quarter pounders with cheese, and we both know that Zaxby's is purely irresistable. Even Cooper was starting to get an addiction to Happy Meals (Bad Mom!). Actually our last visit to McDonald's was when we were shopping at Ikea a few weeks ago. I was alone with Cooper, and Kayla was in the car with us. I had run out of dog food, and Kayla hadn't eaten all morning, so I felt really guilty that Cooper and I were going to enjoy a delectable McD's lunch right in front of her. So, Cooper and Kayla split a Happy Meal of nuggets and fries and afterwards they were both pretty happy!

Now, I feel the need to take this moment to drop another tip for you all. If you enjoy the tastes of Zaxby's or Chik-Fil-A, then I implore you to visit a little joint called Birds. This is located in Daniel Village where the old Barberito's used to be, next to the Village Deli, and let me tell you it is wonderfully delicious. The owner is a guy who graduated from Lakeside High School with my brother, so that would have been like 1991? And the chicken tastes to me like a mix of flavors between Zaxby's and Chik-Fil-A. My favorite is the chicken finger club sandwich. They have homemade fries, which you can get in regular or sweet potato, both equally delightful. PLEASE do your taste buds a favor and go there!

What's new with Cooper and Kayla? Cooper is still not walking, although twice yesterday he was standing on his own, but after he realizes it he drops down on his bum and continues crawling. Still eating like a horse. I am phasing out the paci, which he doesn't have a problem with, but this kid has an oral fixation like you wouldn't believe. He doesn't care if the paci isn't in there as long as something else is. This translates into the mouthing of every toy imaginable, shopping cart handles, dog food, cell phones, car bumpers, rocks, leaves, dandelions, and yes, even licking the floor. Hey, I said I was the genius, not him! Seriously, it is just his way of feeling and exploring his world. And since he is always getting new teeth, it just feels plain good to him.

Kayla is facing some serious separation anxiety after her traumatic plane ride. She can't be left alone without destroying something, and in order to prevent some costly repairs to our house, we opt to take her in our tiny car with us wherever we go. (Our car is tiny, and I have named it "The Bubble".) Dogs are able to go in most stores and restaurants here, so it isn't really a problem, but she is completely comfortable with staying in the car for a couple of hours while we shop and whatnot. She takes little naps in there and waits for us to come back. I have to admit it is a funny sight to see her sitting behind the wheel in the front seat! But hopefully she will settle down soon. She loves our long daily walks and so far hasn't eaten a chicken!

Alright, I am done for now. Attached are some pictures from last weekend. We were on our way to see Peter's parents and I had to stop in this field of dandelions to take some pictures. Cooper was just nodding off to sleep in the car so it didn't go so well for him. Take care, and keep me posted on you all. I love to get e-mails from you!

German Tidbit #2: The German National Smell

Here's another quick little tidbit to tantalize your odorous senses. I know, you are all thinking that none of my little stories or tidbits are ever quick and short. But you know you want it!

So, there is a certain scent in the air that comes along in the spring and summer here in Bavaria. And it is so prevalent that when we lived here last, I gave it the official name of the German National Smell. Now Peter's family knows it as this as well, and they all joke about it. It has sort of become like a weather forecast for me now. So, what's the smell? Well, as I have stated before we are in farmland. Our front yard is farmland and our walks and drives consist solely of large fields growing all sorts of things. Where there are fields and farmers, there are of course farm animals, and where there are animals, of course there is lots of juicy manure. The farmers take this manure and make it into a liquid form for free fertilizer. They then put these huge tanks of this liquid waste onto the back of their tractor, and distribute across their fields in a back and forth motion much like you would fertilize your grass, covering every inch. The lovely scents from this distribution permeates everywhere, so all you smell is poop. Thus, the German National Smell. The funny thing is that the farmers watch to see when it is supposed to rain, and they all go out and give their fields a good dose the day and night before a rain. So, I have a virtual weather forecaster for rain right outside my window! It sounds gross, and it kind of is, but also just adds to the charm of living in the country. I'm starting to feel like Zsa Zsa Gabor in Green Acres!

Tschuss (Bye)

Monday, May 5, 2008

Stop . . . Collaborate and Listen!

Sporadic internet connection (still using the neighbor's wireless connection which only gets reception in good weather) has limited my computer use. That, and unpacking numerous boxes and figuring out where to take all the trash. Many of you have written me, which I am truly thankful for, and as soon as Peter sets up our computers and configures the our internet, I will be in business and will write back to you all individually. But thought you might like a quick update in the meantime.

Since I last wrote, we have received our furniture. It did not come on that Thursday, but rather on Friday. Peter had taken Thursday off since that was when the movers were supposed to come, and as we were sitting waiting for their promised arrival time of 8:00 am, we finally got a call around 9 that a crane broke so they couldn't load the container onto a truck. I was feigning curse words Yosemite Sam style, but Peter's were much more direct. Since he had already taken the day off, we decided to head to the next biggest town and get my Visa and a cell phone for me. We sat at a fantastic outdoor cafe for lunch, as it was an unusually warm day and enjoyed a delicious lunch with Kayla and Cooper (yes, even dogs can come to a restaurant). For some reason unbeknownst to me, Peter found it incredibly exciting that the public transportation buses passing by were so darn quiet, I think he might have tinkled in his pants just a little.

But my exciting adventure came later. I needed to get a quick passport style picture made for my visa, and Peter and I scoured the area for a good 20 minutes looking for a photo shop that could make this. We stumbled across a local photographer, and Peter stayed in the car with the chaps (Cooper and Kayla) while I ventured in alone depending on my very rusty German skills to pull me through. It was only after I got inside and described that I just needed this simple photo done, and the very nice photographer directed me to a mirror to check myself out that I noticed what was surrounding me. Lots of artistic images of naked women. It was like a 40 car pile up on the autobahn, I couldn't help it . . . I had to look. I tried my best to look completely normal and hide any awkwardness, and told the man that his pictures were very beautiful. Then he proceeds to tell me how he enjoys getting to know his "subjects", and how it takes time for the women to loosen up but that they have a wonderful time after that. Well, that certainly didn't help me loosen up any, and I was glad to get my pictures and scedaddle right on out of there!

Peter has been to London for part of this last week, and while he was gone I painted the living room and kitchen. The highlight of this was listening to my favorite radio station here, Bayern Drei (3). Maybe it comes from living in Augusta for the past several years with no really good stations, but I was dully impressed with the composition of all time favorites on this frequency, and although I could only understand bits and pieces of the DJ's, I am fully confident that they were seriously funny.

Well, it all started with some Funky Cold Medina. Now you can't tell me that you wouldn't have enjoyed that as well. It took me back to middle school riding in the golf cart with my friends and singing about the girl named Sheila with her Oscar Meyer Weiner. Tone-Loc had it right, you don't mess with the Funky Cold Medina. Then we hit a little speed bump to slow things down with some REO Speed Wagon, and I knew that I just couldn't fight this feeling anymore. Sure there was some current tunage with your typical Fergie, Maroon 5, and Rihanna, but who couldn't use a little Wham from time to time. I can belt the melody as good as anyone to Lionel Richie and the Commodores cause you know I'm easy like Sunday morning. And the new Willy Nelson song was pure genious (apparently a tribute to his 75th birthday if I understood correctly . . . funny I could have sworn he was 75 when I was 8). But the absolute cherry perched top of the whipped cream on top of the warm, gooey chocolate syrup smothering the bananas sandwiching the creamiest ice cream ever, was nothing less than . . .

wait for it . . .

here it comes . . .

VANILLA ICE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ice, Ice Baby, Too Cold, Too Cold. Well, not in my kitchen. My booty action was down right steamin'! Will it ever stop, yo, I don't know. Oh, whatever. You know you couldn't resist it either. I could just feel myself Rolling in my 5.0 with my rag top down so my hair can blow. You can imagine my disappointment that there were no David Hasselhof songs during this time (as promised by Brad P.), so I am looking to surprise Peter with some concert tickets. If anyone knows when the former Baywatch "hunk?" come drunkard is touring give me a hollar!

OK seriously. Let me tell you what's new with the Claus family. Peter is working both for Disney and for me! He has lots of pictures to hang, furniture to move, and things to set up. But feel free to drop him an e-mail to prod him to get Skype and internet working so that we can communicate more. Kayla is adjusting well now that our furniture has arrived. I swear, one more day without a sofa and she surely would have perished or at least she seems to think so. All within walking distance of our house are sheep, ponies, roosters, and chickens, plus your standard collection of dogs and cats. Kayla has already made friends with a black lab down the street (maybe he reminds her of her old boyfriend Coal) and she salivates over the chickens. They look fun to chase and even I would say that they look pretty juicy! But she had an incident trying to get to know the ponies and she is still a little skiddish a day later. Kayla went to sniff and discovered what an electric fence feels like. You should have heard the yelp! She ran off screaming in the opposite direction and had no idea what hit her. Hopefully it is a lesson she only has to learn once!

Cooper is as delightful as ever. He had a little sniffy nose after the flight, but has been clean as a whistle ever since. Two new teeth coming in on the top, I think they are his incisors. That would make 14, I think. I think I am safe in assuming that most mothers measure their baby's health by the poops. The amount, size, consistency, odor, and color can tell you so much and Cooper's diapers are telling me several times a day how healthy he is! This has to do with his hearty little appetite. Wait, little isn't the word. This guy is truly his father's son. This is what he ate the other day:

Breakfast - one roll with butter and jam cut into bits, one whole banana, one granola bar, and if still hungry a jogurt

Lunch - handful of pretzels, 1/2 can mandarin oranges, 1 cup veggies mixed with about 1/2 cup baby food (baby food here is excellent with lots of different stages to ease kids into big people food a little better and apparently, it tastes great to Cooper cause it gets him to scarf up his veggies), 1 cup applesauce, and 2 cookies

Snack - Another whole banana (he's my little monkey and he goes crazy over bananas), 2 slices of cheese, a peanut butter and jelly sandwich

Dinner - 1/2 can mandarin oranges, 3 meatballs (about an inch in diameter), 1 cup of noodles with spinach, 1/2 cup peas and carrots, some bread, and 2 cookies

Add lots of milk and some juice to this and this kid gives true meaning to the saying about a hollow leg, cause his belly just isn't that big. And he is still skinny! Cooper still loves his baths, and has now learned from watching mommy clean up the toys to take the little cups and put them inside each other. But his favorite bath toy is attached to his body between his legs. He did the sweetest thing in the tub last night. I was done bathing him and just watching him play and talking to him. He pulled himself up to stand, kissed me on the lips, and sat back down to continue playing. I'll change 100 poopy diapers and wake up in the middle of the night 50 times for 1 moment like that. Granted his kisses are with a slobbery open mouth, and if Cooper were a theme song, it might be Def Leppard's "Love Bites" cause he does tend to use those teeth along with kisses sometimes. Other than that, still not walking on his own, although he can walk along holding on to just 1 finger of mine. He just isn't ready to let go yet. And he will repeat Papa after us, but no real words. He knows several words, and cookie is his favorite, but he doesn't say any yet.

Our house is a contemporary style split level, and by split levels, I mean that we basically have 6 floors, 5 flights of stairs with 8 steps each, and so the levels go back and forth:
1. basement and laundry room
2. guest room and storage closet
3. kitchen, 1/2 bath, and pantry
4. living room
5. master bedroom and full bathroom
6. Cooper's room and playroom

Cooper has become an expert at navigating the stairs and can go up and down on his own. He knows where his playroom is and if I am not watching, before I know it he has gone up a few flights on his own and I can hear the familiar toys. OK, now I have written far more than most of you care to read and it is time to get jiggy with more housework. I miss you all and can't wait to talk to you more. Please e-mail us back and let us know how you are. We are missing so much with you all, pregnancies, adoptions, up and coming summer vacations, 1st birthdays, home improvement projects, finishing school, and more. Know that we are thinking about you and can't wait to get in touch.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

German Tidbit #1: The Sorting of the Trash

I can't help but pass along new tidbits that humor me as I encounter them here. This is the tidbit concerning trash. Germans are very enviromentally friendly, as most of you know, and recycling here is a big deal, in fact it is mandatory. So, I am learning to sort the trash.

I know that you are all thinking it isn't that hard. Paper or plastic, right?

Oh no . . . try SIX categories:
1. Paper
2. Plastic bottles that you have to return to the store to receive a deposit back
3. Bio (food waste products - appreciate your disposal, in fact, go tell your disposal right now how much you love it!)
4. Glass (must return these to a separate facility to receive deposit back)
5. Recyclable waxy papers, aluminum foil, some plastics, cans, etc. (all items maked with a symbol called the Gruene Punkt "green point" and these should be rinsed clean before disposing of them)
6. Other trash that can't be recycled (diapers, used napkins, used tissues, etc.)

There is trash pick-up once per week, and they only pick up one category each week. So, Monday was bio, next Monday is other trash, and so on. So, if we didn't get our bio out this past Monday, we would have a long time to wait until that one is picked up again. Tonight we will gather up our cloth bags and head to the grocery store. Either you bring your own, or you buy each plastic bag you use! I'm feeling more green already! Think I'll stop shaving my armpits.

Auf Weidersehen!

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Hallo von Amy und Cooper aus Deutschland

Just a note to let you all know that we arrived here safely. Kayla flew on Thursday of last week. I dropped her off at Charlotte airport and you should have seen the cargo guys watching me as I gave my big pooch kisses, told her to be strong so that she will see daddy soon and how much I loved her. I think they thought I was a little koo-koo, or maybe a lot. But they humored me, and Kayla made it safely to Peter the next morning. Cooper and I flew on Friday evening out of Charlotte. I traipsed through security with a car seat, stroller, diaper bag, carry on, and a squirmy one year old, all the while dangling a pacifier and bright toy to keep him occupied. And of course, they had to search my bags which were packed like intricate puzzles so that everything would fit just right. Took me 20 minutes standing at the other end of the security line just to pack it all back in. But we made it through that and I had Cooper playing, walking, crawling, bouncing, tickling, eating, and everything else you can think to do with a one year old for the next 2.5 hours while we waited to board. My goal was to get a very tired 14 month old on the plane ready to settle in for a long nap. I thought I was really clever seeing as he was asleep before the plane even took off, only to wake up 45 minutes later as bright eyed as ever and ready for another play set. Cooper had a very nice lady sitting next to him that was a grandmother of a 3 month old, so she knew what she was in for. She gladly served as the sippy cup retriever each time Cooper threw his cup on the floor, which is quite often, and finally decided that it would be easier to simply be his official cup holder for the duration of mealtime.

Mealtime . . . that was fun (note the sarcasm). For those of you who have seen Cooper eat lately, you know that there is a great deal of food squishing, running food soaked fingers through the hair, dropping large chunks of food on the floor, dribbling milk down the chin, and some spitting. Well, an airplane is just another venue for Cooper to perform his dinner show and I am sure that the cabin crew wondered what in the world we had done afterwards. The cheerios alone are enough to drive anyone mad. So, dinnertime passed and I entertained hoping that my moment of glory would come in the form of a good long sleep, then 2 hours later (we had been on the plane for 4 hours by now) I whipped out the Benedryl, while the lady next to me stated with astonishment that she couldn't believe he was still going. Yeah, well neither could I and I was ready to put an end to it. Luckily the Benedryl saved me just before a movie started. I watched Juno, which I have been wanting to see (Kelly, if you enjoy sarcasm as I do, you will enjoy it as I could only strive to match the sarcasm of this hilarious teen). After the movie, I settled in for a good nap myself, and guess who starts getting fussy! So, I held him in my arms for the next 2 hours so that he could sleep a little better. Then back in his car seat he went so that I could sleep a little more. And the little dear slept all the way until after we landed. Getting off the plane was what I would imagine finishing off a marathon would be like.

By the way, have to drop a congratulatory line off to my brother, Alan, who ran the Boston Marathon on Monday. So, proud of you brother, and I am sure that your marathon was in actuality much more strenuous than my plan ride with Cooper!

For those of you who know Peter really well, you can probably guess how the end of my travelling tale concludes. Was it a joyous trot out of customs into the arms of my waiting hubby with a kiss and the chance to pass off my 25 pound bundle of joy? Well, that came later after a 20 minute wait for my late hubby! I am sure that most of you saw that coming, and I wasn't at all surprised. But alas we are here. It is cold (40's or 50's in the day) but our house is better than I remembered. Of course, I am trying to stay chipper seeing as we have been essentially camping out in said house since Saturday. Furniture has not yet arrived, and each time we talk with the movers it gets pushed back another day. But the promise is for Thursday, and I am wholeheartedly clinging to that!

Now it is just after noon, still in my pajamas, Cooper and Kayla are napping, and I am hoping to hear from you all, my peeps real soon to pass the time and keep me entertained (note: no phone, no TV, sporadic internet service - nicking the neighbors wireless -, and dangerously close to the end of my only book!). So write back and let me know how you all are doing. There are several of you that I didn't get to see before I left and I am truly sorry for that. The last weeks were pretty crazy, but I am thinking of all of you and waiting to hear when you are planning your trip over her to see us!

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Big Recap

I can’t believe that I am just now getting back to the blog. We flew through Christmas, New Year’s and are fast approaching that 1 year milestone. OK, so Peter came home and it was great to have him here. The time was jam packed with holidays and things to do. We applied for Cooper’s US passport (and that came in about a week ago, his mouth is open of course). Christmas was pretty mellow. We took advantage of the last Christmas that Cooper won’t know what is going on and didn’t really do any gifts for him. Instead we invested in our first video camera and I gave Peter some things to have in London to help him keep up with Cooper and remind him of us. Cooper really liked the tree and wanted to put the lights in his mouth. He liked the wrapping paper more than any gifts, so he was easily amused. New Year’s was mellow as well. We had a few friends over and then Peter flew out again on New Year’s day.

The eventful stuff always seems to come when Peter is away. The last blog was the beginning of a horrible ear infection in both ears. When the doc says that it is really bad with blood and puss, you know it can’t feel good. That took some time getting over. Then in January, he got double ear infection #5, again bloody and pussy according to the doc. This was joined with a case of RSV, which required breathing treatments with albuterol and a nebulizer mask 4 times a day. I thought things couldn’t get any crazier. Also at this time, Cooper decided he just didn’t want to eat anything for a couple of weeks. Just as he started to get better from all that, my Granny Howell died. That got me missing my mom even more, and it all just seemed to come to a head at 3:30 the morning of the funeral when Cooper and I were both awake and crying together. I called Peter and sobbed to him, and then we all were better.

January 31st marked my last day of work!!!!! Whoo Hoo!!!! I am now a stay at home mom and it is incredibly fabulous. At this point I have plenty of things to work on. We have a contract on the house (which is a true miracle from God seeing as the housing market is terrible at the moment), and after a horrendous home inspection I have a number of repairs to coordinate. I also had surgery this past Friday to remove what we lovingly call my “Lovely Lady Lump” which was a large softball sized lipoma from my back. So glad it is gone, however the doctor tells me I can’t pick Cooper up for a week. Well, that just isn’t possible.

Things are moving full speed ahead and God has been working on my this whole time. At the first mention of Munich, I said “no way” and meant it. I prayed that God would change my heart, and now I can’t wait to go. I am so ready to have our family under one roof again, and hopefully simplify our lives a little. Who knows, maybe baby number two will come in Munich! OK, I must be delirious!

Oh, the most important thing . . . Cooper. Cooper started crawling on hands and knees just after Christmas, and is getting faster and faster everyday. He speeds around the house, and those little knees are showing some wear and tear. He pulls up on everything with ease, and cruises all around. He is no longer interested in “baby toys” and wants big kid toys like telephones, remote controls, cameras, keys, etc. He has decided that he is now a big boy and big boys don’t play inside that once beloved exersaucer, but now they walk around it. He is a mad man on wheels in his walker on the tile bathroom floor (our bathroom is very large, so he can gain great speed before ramming into your shins!). Uncle Alan got Cooper to hang by himself from the bars of one of our beds, which looks hilarious. Also, Cooper learned to climb the stairs yesterday.