
Sunday, June 17, 2007

Happy Father's Day

Peter’s first Father’s Day – and I hope that he wasn’t disappointed. I wanted him to feel as special on Father’s Day as I did on Mother’s Day. He got two cards – one from me and one from Coopi, and Coopi and I also made a stepping stone for the garden with his hand and foot prints in it. I also found a silver frame especially for dads, and framed a picture of Peter when he is first holding Cooper in the hospital. It is an incredible picture, and happens to be the first one that we have gotten around to framing. Then when we came home from Church, a chiminea was waiting outside for Peter.

The Dr. appointment turned out totally fine. The pediatrician felt that maybe he had a little congestion around his ears from the reflux and that perhaps that would have an effect on his hearing. A follow-up with the ear, nose and throat doctor who performed another hearing test showed that Cooper’s hearing is excellent, and that we simply have a laid-back baby. I won’t complain about that!

It seems like Cooper has made so many new developments in the past few weeks. He can now roll in every direction, back to front, front to back, side to side, etc. He can sit supported, and we are working on trying to get him sitting without help (that will probably take another month). He is also standing in our lap. The other day, I think he discovered his tongue, because that was the first time that I ever saw him stick it out. He just kept sticking it out and rubbing it over his bottom lip. He now recognizes toys, and actually shows favoritism towards a couple of toys (a zebra with long legs and brightly colored, textured rings). He reaches out to grab them and will hold them willingly and suck on them. He is smiling more than ever and is starting to really like to play. Best development of all – the first little laughs. They aren’t all out belly roars, but just a subtle giggle. I can’t decide what my favorite sound in the world is – his new little giggle or the sound of his heavy breathing in my ear when he falls asleep on my shoulder. Peter and I have really created something special here, and we are continuously baffled at how the two of us could have made something so perfect in every way!

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

I guess I’m supposed to be an adult

Today is the day – the big 3-0! It seems so weird. It is definitely an adult age; I can’t claim that I am in my youth and the 20’s are a thing of the past. I rang in my new decade with a bad back (which completely went out on me a few weeks ago –OUCH!) and a raging case of Carpal Tunnel. I think that means that this body is no longer a spring chicken. My close friend Kelly and I complain about having to act like “adults” which we both feel like we will never truly be. Peter threw me a wonderful, and completely unexpected, surprise party with many of my closest friends and family.

The Coopster is just wonderful as always. 16 weeks have brought new developments which include more squealing and holding toys (although not yet realizing that he can just reach out and grab them). We can put them in his hands for him to hold, but he hasn’t yet comprehended that he is actually holding a foreign object. It is just something to suck on until he drops it, and then he is just as content with his hands. In fact, he loves those fingers so much sometimes that he actually gags himself with them. Does that stop him? Not a chance. He is also rolling from side to side, and can go from tummy to back. He isn’t interested in being on his tummy so we don’t anticipate rolling in the opposite direction anytime soon. He is still sleeping great, from 7:30 pm to 6:00 am, but still needs that pacifier put back in at 4:00 am like clockwork. He drinks 5 oz. of formula with oatmeal cereal added to make almost 7 oz., and this goes down in less than 5 minutes most times. Peter and I always describe our family as “Eaters” and Cooper fits the mold. We just moved up to size 2 diapers this week, and Cooper grows out of onesies like they are going out of style.

We do have a new concern, though. Peter and I are both concerned about Cooper’s hearing. Either we have just a really laid-back, relaxed baby or we have a hard of hearing baby. Cooper doesn’t startle at loud noises, and doesn’t turn towards people talking (especially us) the way we think a 4 month old should. Often times he doesn’t turn in our direction until we get his attention visually. So, Peter will take him to his Dr. appointment tomorrow and hopefully our fears will be relieved. Are we hypochondriacs? Nah, just completely obsessed with our son.

How is this for obsessed? I can’t stop smelling his dirty laundry. No, not the really soiled stuff or the sour milk stains. Just the clothes and towels that have been used on him that just smell like him. It’s like the infatuation a girl has for a new boyfriend. Didn’t you just love having a t-shirt of your new love and just taking in the smell of “him”? That stage of infatuation was just all consuming back then. And now I can’t get enough of Cooper’s onesies and bath towels that smell like “him”. I just want to breathe them in, in, in and never breathe out. I am in total love and infatuation with my sweet baby boy. And it is sweet to reflect back on those moments of infatuation that I had for Peter. Unfortunately, Peter’s T-shirts don’t seem to smell so sweet anymore!