
Friday, March 13, 2009

Adios, Winter!

This post is all about a farewell . . . to winter, that is. I can't even adequately put into words how much I am looking forward to warm weather and sunshine. Now, I will admit that there was an air of excitement at the end of December with those first snow flakes. We took two ski weekends this year with the second being last weekend teaching four of Peter's colleagues from London how to ski, and I enjoyed every second of my time on the slopes. The accumulation of snow that I have witnessed here was more than I have ever seen in my life, as was the amount of snow shovelling. But I am now declaring an official end to winter. God, are you listening?

Let me just say that if you have to pose this question "Is it possible to have dandruff on your legs?", you have had enough winter.

If you have spent a week straight in the house without going outside because the sheer number of items of clothing you would have to don is too overwhelming, you have had enough winter.

So, I am more than overjoyed to announce that in about 3 weeks, the Claus family will be on a Florida beach. This is a warning to anyone below the Mason-Dixon line to be sure to have a good pair of sunglasses with 100% UV protection on hand starting April 7th, cause this family has reached a pasty whiteness that is simply unprecedented. Donations in the form of sunblock, cute bathing suit cover-ups (goodness knows I'll be needing that), and Jimmy Buffett's greatest hits are now being accepted.

I honestly don't believe that those children were sad when Frosty the Snowman melted away. I now know that they were tears of joy. So long, Frosty! If you need us, we'll be on the beach.


al said...

Dandruff on your legs? You must not be shaving them huh?

Elizabeth @ The Garden Window said...

Found your blog via your comments on MckMama's blog about dear little Stellan.

My girls loved the photo of your snowman ! I hope you have a wonderful holiday in sunnier climes :-)

best wishes from South Wales, UK !

Unknown said...

thank you for the comment you left on my blog :)
i appreciate the prayers so much...
your lil man is adorable...and my oldest would be jealous of ALL that snow!! :)
i look forward to following your blog...