
Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Helpless and Hopeful

My heart is aching today for a family that I have never met. The blog world is an amazing place where I have started to follow the lives of other Christian women, some hilariously funny, some with caring and warmth that I wish I could portray, and often they are friends back home who through their writing provide me with an opportunity to continue to feel connected to people that I wish were in the same room that I could embrace every day.

There is one woman that I have come across who is an amazing mother of 4 beautiful children, one of which is grasping for life at this very moment. The youngest baby, less than a year old, has heart problems which the doctors are not able to get control of at the moment. I am asking all of you to get on your knees and lift up your prayers for this baby and his family.

As mothers there are a million moments that we feel so helpless, but relying on the strength of our God and knowing that He has a plan is the only way that we are able at times to continue to put one foot in front of the other. We only hope that His plan for our children will allow us to see them grow up and see who they are to become; to see them finding their soul mate, getting married, and knowing our grandchildren. However, we always know in the back of our mind that that may not be His plan. So when we are reminded of this, as I am now praying for baby Stellan, we hold our own babies as tightly as possible and thank God for what we are blessed with today. Please join me in prayer today. You can read about this family by clicking on the button on the left side that says "Praying for Stellan".


Barbara said...

As a mother of a chronically ill child (who is now almost 32 years old), my prayer is for the parents, family and friends. God truly does have Stellan in his hands, whatever his will is will come to past. Many times the ones in need of our prayer and active support are those who care for the ill person. They experience anxiety, fear and frustration, making it difficult to see God's grace in the midst of a storm. But take it for me, he can protect and provide for each and everyone of us. His grace is definitely sufficient. He will carry you through.

Grand Pooba said...

I've heard little Stellan's story all over the blogosphere the past couple days. I will definately pray for him!