
Wednesday, August 25, 2010

After OP

Lilly is doing well. Our night was anything but restful. Lilly fussed about every 30 minutes until about 2am. After that it was only every hour to hour and a half. In addition there is one other newborn baby in the room who screams every 2 hours around the clock for a bottle. Then between the 2 of them there is continually alarms going off for pulse oxygen, heart rates, respiratory rates, end of infusions, or blocked infusions.

Lilly alternates about every 15 minutes or so between sleep and crying. They assure me that between her epidural and medicine for fever that she is not in pain.

She got a small amount of tea spread out over 3 hours last night. But as usual with her she had quite a bit of vomiting lovely green bile so even that was stopped.

Now it is nearly 3 in the afternoon here. We are soon going to close off her NG tube (tube running from her tummy out her nose) and see how she takes a little more tea. It's funny that no one I have talked to in the States has ever heard of giving a baby tea before, but it is a standard thing here and it really does soothe the tummy.

I don't expect there to be any new info today so will send out another update when there is a change. Thank you so much for your e-mail. I love to know that so many people are whispering Lilly's name in prayer. Keep praying!

Will try now to attach a few pics both before and after surgery. She keeps a death grip on her crib railing which you can see in the picture. Haven't tried sending pics on my new phone yet so hope it works.

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