
Friday, August 20, 2010

Hospital - Take 2

Lilly went into the hospital last Friday for a scheduled x-ray and biopsy. What was supposed to be 1 overnight stay stretched out much longer. You know our Lilly, she tends to like all the drama and attention. Not to mention she will do anything for a private hospital room.

The x-ray and biopsy went as planned, and the doctors were able to obtain some information that should help them determine the course of action for Lilly's upcoming surgery next week. The biopsy required full anesthesia and fasting. Lilly came out of the procedure fine and as expected didn't have her normal appetite after and was sleepy.

The next morning, she started eating a little more (still only 1/2 of her normal intake) and seemed to be a little more awake. We took her home around lunchtime. As the afternoon went on, we became more and more concerned. Lilly was more and more lethargic, had zero interest in drinking, and by early evening stopped having wet diapers. She was also throwing up greenish bile stuff. We headed back to the hospital to get her readmitted.

And what do you know? As soon as we get into the ER, she is awake, smiling at the doctors, and pees on the table. We were adamant that things were not right with her and just as they admitted her and got her into her room, she threw up her pretty contents and the doctors agreed that there was something wrong.

Two days, a steady IV and ECG, and two ultrasounds later it was determined that her intestines had not been able to rid themselves of the contrast agent from the x-ray. That was the only thing they could find that might have caused all these symptoms.

Here are pics from our dramatic weekend.


April and Alan said...

I can't believe how big Lilly is getting! She is getting more and more beautiful everyday. :)

Kelly said...

That girl does love drama, doesn't she? What date is Lilly having her surgery? Will be thinking of you!

Christina said...

I am praying for you guys!.. and thinking of you all often. Lily is absolutley beautiful, and I know you must be tired, but you look great in these pictures!

Mandy said...

Your hair is getting so long! Lilly is such a beautiful baby. Hoping things are ok....