
Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Christmas Food

On to a more lighter (emotionally, not calorically) side. Is calorically even a word? It is now! This post is mainly about my second favorite topic: FOOD!!

I have sort of made it my Christmas and Advent goal to try to do things ahead of time and not scramble at the last minute. Peter's family is coming to us again for Christmas and I am very excited. It does mean a little extra work and I want to make things special, so I tend to sweat a little when the action is taking place and usually the days leading up to it.

My work aheadedness (apparently, I am all about making up my own words today) began with my desire to have American Christmas Cookies available at all times this season and create little baggies for our friends around here so that they can enjoy the goodness of yummy cookie-ism. (I'm sorry, I just can't seem to stop with the new words.) I came up with the ingenius plan to make several batches of different cookie doughs one day and separate it all into parts to freeze or store in the fridge. In one day I made the following doughs: oatmeal cookies, chocolate chip cookies, and sugar cookies. I also made some chocolate covered peanut butter balls, which my mom used to make when we were little and I thought that would be all nostalgic and fun and add a little something extra to those cookie baggies. Now, it was a lot of work for one afternoon, but the results were basically slice and bake cookies anytime I wanted them. And last night at 9:00 pm when I had to make cookies for Cooper's class today, I sure was glad that I only had to slice, bake, and frost. This whole plan worked perfectly and I will do this every year from henceforth! Highly recommend it.

I did my best to complete all Christmas shopping as early as possible and after buying the last gift in Munich on Monday, I am all done. AND . . . all gifts are wrapped!

And you know that crazy trip to the grocery store where you are praying you don't forget anything because it is the last day they will be open before Christmas? OK, I know they are open like all the time in the States, so just humor me here. I am always that person scrambling at the store and then getting home and realizing I have forgotten like 27 items that I needed. Well, that ain't me this year. I have already grocery shopped and I have checked all my recipes twice to make sure I didn't forget anything. I will make two items this evening that can be prepared ahead to take away a little of the stress of the big day.

Ya'll, I am just so proud of my procrastinating self that I don't know what to do. Yay me! Of course there is the matter of cleaning the house, which I am sorry to say hasn't really fallen into my work ahead plan. But, it will get done!

So, here is the menu for the Claus family Christmas gathering (remember, we do all the celebratin' and church goin' and eatin' and present openin' on Christmas Eve around these parts). Don't know why I have to get all country at the moment. Back to the menu:

Christmas Eve Lunch:
- Sausage and Leek Soup (this is a make ahead, freeze, and heat up the day of deal)
- Fresh Baguettes from the Bakery
- Assortment of Christmas cookies and coffee (remember those cookies already made?)

Christmas Eve Dinner:
- Honey and Thyme Brined Turkey Breast
- Crock Pot Macaroni and Cheese (this is thrown into the crock pot and is ready in 4 hours - super easy!)
- Garlic Mashed Potatoes
- Roasted Carrots
- Green Beans
- Rolls

Christmas Eve Desserts:
- Homemade Apple Pie with Vanilla Ice Cream or Whipped Cream
- Pumpkin Cheesecake (a classic Christmas recipe for Peter and I and it is in the oven right now!)

Christmas Day Breakfast:
- Homemade Quiche
- Cinnamon Roll-Ups (from the Masters cookbook - also a make ahead item)
- Fresh Fruit Salad
- Coffee and Juice

I am looking forward to all the celebrations and hopefully not being terribly stressed this year. I am sure my time will be filled with work nonetheless, but I will keep in mind how much more crazy it could be if I didn't work ahead.

Hope you all have a very Merry Christmas!


Unknown said...

So I know it is after Christmas and all, so anything I say right now is a matter of "oh, well", but Quit Bragging!!! I am feeling sooooo much like a doody-head right now. I can't believe you got all the make-aheadedness stuff done! Jealousy abounds!

Hope your Christmas was wonderful!

kelly said...

okay, so it's AFTER Christmas, but this post made me feel stressed! i didn't make ANYTHING for Christmas. you go on with yourself! what did you put on your roasted carrots and how long did you cook them?

Amanda said...

Okay little Martha Stewart--I'm totally impressed with your menu & organization! I've obviously got some things to learn!