
Friday, November 20, 2009

Counting Cooper

It feels good to finally have all my backlogged blog posts that I wrote about the pregnancy finally posted. Now, I can get back to my favorite subject to write about, Cooper of course. Here is a funny (insane) story and a new accomplishment.

First the accomplishment - Cooper is counting! He can count clearly from 1 through 10. It sounds something like this:

Won, Doo, Dwee, Fow, Fie, Sick, Sege, Ade, Nigh, Te

And his sweet little voice just curves up as he said each number and number 10 is usually said with excitement. It is so sweet. Now he doesn't count any object except sometimes the stairs as we go up, and he doesn't recognize numbers, so he doesn't really get what the counting is all about but the fact that he remembers words in a sequence and says them on his own is such a huge thing for us! Now, I still would love to hear him call for mommy when he wants me or say juice when he is thirsty, but we are still trying to stay optimistic about the baby steps here. COUNTING!!!!

Now to the story. Last week, Cooper was in the basement.

(Side note: The basement is also our entry area into our house and another big room with the washing machine and large cabinets for tools and such.)

Cooper spends a great deal of time in the basement by himself because as anyone who knows Cooper well, knows that there is a magnetic attraction and borderline obsession between Cooper and a front loading washing machine and dryer. My little curious monkey can literally hang out in the basement for an hour or more completely happy to his heart's content. Anyway, he was down there as usual and it was getting close to dinner time, plus it was pretty quiet down there so I decided to go down and bring him up. When I opened the door to the washroom, my eyes must have popped out of my head. There was Cooper, dancing around, laughing, arms waving and thrashing wildly overhead, with a large item in one hand.

Just what was that item, you ask?

A . . . SAW!!!!

Um, yeah. That's not such a great toy. While a picture would have been nice, I felt it more appropriate to scream frantically and take the dangerous weapon away from my 2 year old crazy kid before he gauged his head wide open or cut off one of his adorable appendages. Because clearly I am all about good parenting here.

I believe it was Peter's mother who said that Cooper has several guardian angels watching out for him to have made it this far. Sounds about right to me. Hey, how come I don't read in other parents' and friends' blogs about their kids running alone down the street, standing in the window sill of the third story open window, and playing with heavy construction equipment? Oh, I guess that's just me.


Mandy said...

Loved your back posts! I never had cravings like that! WOW! :) widgets. :)

April and Alan said...

I'm glad Cooper is okay and didn't come away with any scars or injuries from his playdate with the saw. Wow!

You are the blog queen...can you do my blog for me? Each time I read your blog, it's a reminder to update mine :)

I enjoyed reading your pregnancy updates. As always, you had me laughing out loud at my computer--at work :) Love you!

Unknown said...

Congratulations on Baby #2! I had a sneaking suspicion after the prior blog gave us the heads up about news to come.

It is so exciting to have two running around - good exciting, scary exciting, bad exciting, tiring exciting!

Best wishes to you, Peter, Cooper and Kaila as the new baby grows and becomes part of the family. I would NEVER be able to keep the gender a secret. I am such the planner about stuff like that! What color will you paint the room!? How will you buy clothes?! You are a brave woman, Mrs. Claus!

Happy Thanksgiving - I know, like Chinese food and Zaxby's, you don't have that there. But still.


Mom Nages said...

Amy, Thanks for the comment on my blog. I have stalked yours for awhile now. I love reading about Cooper's progress and you write so well. April says you read a number of blogs of people you don't know, so you know how that makes you feel like you know them even when you really don't? Anyway, glad we can stalk each other! COngrats on your new LO, I craved carbs and salt...available in any country! I can't imagine craving stuff that's only available on another continent. That would make me a cranky preggo!