
Thursday, November 12, 2009

The Rest of Our Time in Augusta

Before our trip to Augusta, I was so excited for Christina (Peter's sister) to arrive at our house. She was going to help me on the flight over with Cooper and join us at Disney. Man, it was so nice to have her on that plane and just have someone else take over entertaining my little monster for a few hours. Even more so, it felt good to have someone recognize what a journey that trip is with Cooper and gear in tow. She said it before we left and also in the Paris airport that she could not imagine how I can do it by myself. As mom's we all know that we just do what we have to do and hope that we make it out alive, but it sure does feel good to hear somebody recognize those challenges. Thank you so much, Christina, for all your help. Every meal that I didn't have to feed Cooper, every diaper I didn't have to change, every bath I didn't have to give was such a relief for me. You are so greatly appreciated!

Another highlight for me in Augusta (and also for Christina) was shopping with my Aunt Brenda. This woman is bargain shopper extraordinaire. She can find the good stuff, she can find the deals, and she always has a coupon for everything. The only hard part is getting her to stop spoiling me! But so much better than all the deals and great stuff we walked away with, was the feeling of being around my Aunt Brenda. She has so many characteristics of my mother that it is often like having a piece of her again with me. I feel so cared for with her, and she makes me feel like walking around countless hours with me and spending time with Cooper are her favorite things to do. I think she makes everybody feel that way. What other people would find to be huge sacrifices, she finds to be complete joy. There aren't many people who can make you feel that way, but my mom and Aunt Brenda are two of them.

What else did we do? Playgrounds, play dates, ate a lot, held fresh new babies, visited old friends, had a girls dinner out, ate amazing foods, hugged people we love, spoke lots of English, helped my dad move, held my precious nephew, ate tasty food, relaxed at my sister-in-law's parent's lakehouse, attended a pirate party in lederhosen, had family portraits . . . oh, and did I mention the food? It all made me so darn happy that it was really hard to come back. I don't know if my heart will ever be able to call Germany home. It just so loves the South!

A huge highlight of my trip was being present for Samuel's baptism. Sam is my incredible little nephew and it was such an honor to be up there holding him during this holy sacrament. And the biggest honor of all? Peter and I being asked to be Sam's Godparents. Huge deal for us!!!! I love Alan and April to death, and it sounds weird to say, but I adore Sam so much and just feel like he belongs to me in some way. And now he really does. Thank you guys so much for choosing us. We are thrilled and promise to be there for Sam as he grows and experiences life.

Gosh, that's it. I will be posting a few more things in the next week that you really won't want to miss. So, keep checking in!

1 comment:

Mandy said...

We loved seeing you guys while you were here. Can't wait for you to come back and meet Miles! :)